Reception - Maple 2024 - 2025
Miss Thorpe
Welcome to Maple Class Page
Welcome to Maple class learning page. On this page you will be able to find information about our learning in school such as our topic overview each half term, or any important messages. Miss Thorpe absolutely loves teaching Maple Class as they are real super learners. We love using both the indoor and outdoor learning environment and the children particularly enjoy using the construction and role play area.
Our Classroom:
'Let's Explore'
Our topic this half term is ''. This project teaches children about the environments that they share with others, including their homes, school and places in the local community.
This half term we are focusing on:
- Writing simple words using our phonics knowledge.
- Writing simple captions e.g. A pig in a pen.
- Reading sentences which contain taught phonics sounds.
- Recognising all taught phonics sounds, which can be found in reading packs.
- Recognise numbers 1-10, as well as comparing them and finding one more and one less.
- Adding and subtracting within 10.
Welly Walk - Friday afternoon (please ensure your child has wellies in school for this)
Water bottles - Please send your child in with their water bottle everyday and we then send this home with them each afternoon. Please no squash - Water only.
PE - Mondays (PE kit to remain in school)
Home Learning
Home learning will be sent out on a Thursday and should be returned to school on the following Tuesday, however this will start later on in the academic year.
Phonics and Reading
1) Phonics - each day we will learn a new phonics sound. Please use the yellow phonics book and key ring to practise the sounds and actions at home. You can also practise forming the sound at home.
2) Reading - new reading books will be sent home each week. Your child will also have rainbow words sent home. Please practise these daily. Children should be able to recognise these words by sight. Once they can read all 100 rainbow words we will be learning to write them.
Reading with your child everyday is hugely beneficial. Please us the link below that will take you to a list of great books that are recomended for reception aged children.
If you have any questions about anything then please do hot hesitate to speak to Miss Thorpe.
Whoops-A-Daisy Angel Chirstmas Performance
Useful links:
Literacy: - a very useful resource to explain phonics, what children will be learning at school, and some useful games/resources to support them practising these at home. - a video to show you how to pronounce phonic sounds. - a resource to help you with letters and sounds. - all about reading with children in Reception year. - a free e-book library with reading books to share with your child at home. - hear stories being read out loud. - fun online games and songs for phonics letter sounds. - stories and rhymes.
Maths: - a great resource for maths games and activities to help support your child's maths learning. Scroll down to the links for 4-5 year olds. - counting games - ordering and sequencing games - addition games - measuring games - shape, position and movement games