Welcome to Budbrooke Primary School

Our Vision


A safe community, where learning is collaborative and challenging, inspiring children to be confident, curious and considerate.



Budbrooke Primary School is a welcoming school that values the partnership between children, their families, the staff, our governors and other members of our community. We support each child to flourish as individuals, celebrate uniqueness, and have a respect for others’ personal values. We enable them to make their own positive contribution to the school community and beyond



To sustain a supportive learning environment that keeps children safe and happy

To encourage children to be independent, self-motivated learners, to set personal challenges and strive to achieve their goals

To provide an enriched, thematic curriculum that inspires a passion for learning

To include immersive experiences inspiring curiosity around individual interests 

To use our expansive outdoor learning environment to encourage imagination, creativity and co-operation

To promote active, inclusive opportunities for all, to develop children’s physical and emotional well-being leading to a healthy lifestyle

To build meaningful relationships embedded in mutual respect and honesty, where everyone feels valued in our community

To embrace everyone’s differences and promote tolerance for others’ beliefs, choices and moral values

To increase children’s self-esteem, promote a positive self-image and take pride in themselves and our school

To prepare our pupils to be responsible citizens and make a valuable contribution to our society


Aims (in child speak)

To be safe and happy

To be independent 

To be passionate for learning

To be curious

To be creative

To be healthy

To be respectful

To be tolerant

To be positive and proud  

To be responsible 

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