Welcome to Budbrooke Primary School


The Subject Leader for PSHE is Mr Brereton

Coram Life Education : Wiltshire Healthy SchoolsPSHE – The Abbey CE VA Primary School


Through our curriculum, our school environment, our school ethos and the strength of our relationships, we strive to promote pupils’ self-esteem and emotional and physical well-being and help them to form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and for others, at home, at school, at work and in the community.  

Through our curriculum we want our pupils to know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and develop a growing awareness of a broad range of safety issues.  

Pupil voice lies at the heart of our school and the curriculum and opportunities we offer our pupils mean that pupils grow into independent, active and responsible members of our school community playing an active part in decision making.  

In order to flourish, thrive and develop into happy adults who contribute effectively to society, pupils at Budbrooke Primary School develop their personalities and behaviour through the specific focus on important values that enable them to reflect, learn, behave with integrity and work consistently well with others. With these skills, combined with the development of responsibility and resilience, pupils are then able to draw upon their understanding in order to engage and excel in the ever-changing world in which they live both now and in the future. 


Here at Budbrooke Primary school, we have taken the decision to implement the Coram Life Education SCARF framework which represents the values for children of Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship. It provides a whole-school approach to building these essential foundations – crucial for children to achieve their best, academically and socially. 

SCARF meets all DFE requirements for statutory Relationships and Health Education and has been mapped to the PSHE Association programmes of study, SCARF is a whole-school framework that supports the delivery of RSHE, PSHE and wellbeing through an approach to promote behaviour, safety, achievement and well-being. 

The half termly key themes consist of: 

  • Me and My Relationships
  • Valuing Difference
  • Keeping Myself Safe
  • Rights and responsibilities
  • Being My Best
  • Growing and Changing

Pupils receive a weekly timetabled lesson which follow the topics in a systematic and progressive manner. 


Pupils at Budbrooke Primary School are confident, polite and considerate to both those familiar to them and those who are not.  

They will have participated in active engagement in learning and will have a sound understanding of the meaning and importance of our school values and the essential requirements for effective communication and the development of positive relationships. Pupils at Budbrooke Primary School will have received opportunities to consider and clarify their values and beliefs and will be competent to develop enquiry and interpersonal skills. They leave us well equipped to successfully embrace and enjoy secondary education with a very real view of being an effective and happy contributor in today’s world. 

Relationships and sex education

Relationships and sex education (RSE) is an important part of PSHE education. Relationships education is compulsory for all primary school pupils, and relationships and sex education (RSE) is compulsory for all secondary school pupils.

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