Welcome to Budbrooke Primary School

Welcome to Budbrooke Primary School

Welcome to the Budbrooke Primary School website.

We hope this will be a way of keeping people informed about our wonderful school. As you browse through the pages you will gain an insight into the learning opportunities the children are given.

At Budbrooke all the children, and staff are "super learners" and do their best. We encourage all the children to achieve, and celebrate their learning journey. We are proud of our school and the children.

Extensive school grounds, good quality resources and dedicated, hard working pupils and staff, all contribute to the sense of pride and belonging within the school community. The school has high standards and expectations of our pupils. This alongside high levels of parental support ensure that the children achieve the very best they are capable of.

In addition to our standards of attainment and achievement, we place a huge importance on our pastoral care. Daily assemblies and a very detailed programme of Personal, Social and Health Education are in place within the school. These all play a vital part in our daily lives and put the children at the centre of everything we do.

If your require any of the information that is on our website in paper form, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

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