Year 2 - Beech 2024 - 2025
Miss Fletcher
Maths Subject Leader
Miss Tyler
Welcome to Beech Class - Year 2
Miss Fletcher and Miss Tyler would like to welcome to you to the Beech Class page. Here you will find information about home learning, curriculum and KS1 SATs. Click on the Files button for home learning and curriculum documents.
Spring Term
This term's topic is called 'Coastline' and has a geography focus.
The project teaches children about the physical and human features of coastal regions across the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the coastal town of Whitby, in Yorkshire.
For more information about this term's curriculum, please visit the Files section of this page to view the Curriculum Newsletter.
End of Key Stage Assessments (KS1 SATs)
This year, pupils will take the non-statutory end of Key Stage assessments in May. The tests will assess pupils'skills in Reading, Mathematics (Arithmetic and Reasoning), Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. To support your child, please practise skills relating to these subjects using resources found in the 'Files to Download' section of this page.
Reading This Term
This term, we will we reading the story'The Storm Whale' by Benji Davis along with non-fiction texts and poetry.
In the afternoons, we enjoy reading books from Pie Corbett's Reading Spine - essential reading and enjoyable books for Year 2 children.
P.E. / Water Bottles
Our P.E. days this term are Mondays and Wednesdays. Please could children keep a drawstring bag containing their P.E. kit in school so they can change into their P.E. kit on the relevant days.
Please ensure that your child comes to school with a water bottle filled with water every day. We will send these home at the end of every day to be washed and returned the next day.
Home Learning:
A piece of English home learning or a piece of Maths home learning will be set for homework each week. The dot on your child's home learning book will indicate which piece of home learning your child should complete for Maths and for English.
Home Learning will be uploaded to this Class Page on a Thursday and should be handed in by the following Tuesday. Answers to questions should be recorded in your child's home learning book. There is no requirement to print the home learning task.
Spellings will be uploaded onto this Class Page and will be tested on a Monday.
Reading: A reading book and a reading diary will be sent home with the children. Please complete at least one entry in your child's reading diary per week. Reading diaries will be checked weekly.
Times Tables: in class, we are learning the 2 times table. The aim is for children to be able to recall this times table off by heart and out of order. Please encourage your child to log in to Times Tables Rock Stars regularly to practise their tables.
Ways to Support Your Child at Home
Mental Maths (Level 2):
Include the practice of 2,5 and 10 times tables.
Maths Games and Activities - Purple Mash: and use your child's log in details.
See High Frequency Words files in Media.
Grammar and Punctuation
Purple Mash - English - SPaG section. (Use your child's login.)
Strategies for to support spelling at home. See the Strategies document in Files.