Safeguarding Overview
Safeguarding at Budbrooke Primary School
As a school, we of course recognise that our primary aim is to help our students achieve to the very best of their ability. We are committed not only to promoting academic excellence but also to nurturing an environment where students feel safe, supported, and valued. However, we understand that for some students, circumstances, either inside or outside of school, may impact their health and happiness. These challenges can create barriers to learning, making it increasingly difficult for these individuals to gain the most from their school experience.
The well-being of our students is of paramount importance, and we strive to address any issues that may hinder their educational journey. It is essential that we remain vigilant and responsive to the signs that a student may be struggling, as early intervention is often crucial in mitigating potential risks to their well-being.
In rare cases, students may be considered to be at risk of serious harm, whether from factors such as neglect, abuse, or psychological distress. On these occasions, the school has a duty of care and is obliged to intervene. Our staff are trained to handle such situations sensitively and appropriately, ensuring that any concerns are reported to the designated safeguarding lead without delay. We work collaboratively with external agencies and families to provide the necessary support and guidance, always prioritising the best interests of the child.
Furthermore, we are dedicated to fostering an ethos of trust and respect within our school community. We educate our students about safeguarding issues and encourage them to speak up if they ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable. This culture of openness not only protects our students but also empowers them to take an active role in their own safeguarding. Together, we can create a secure and nurturing educational environment that promotes both academic success and personal well-being.
Statutory Guidance and Policy
Our school follows the statutory guidance set forth in "Keeping Children Safe in Education" and "Working Together to Safeguard Children" in order to fully safeguard our students. We recognise the importance of adhering to these guidelines to ensure the safety and welfare of all pupils within our care.
To maintain our commitment to safeguarding, our child protection and safeguarding policy is diligently reviewed and updated at least annually. This policy is thoroughly aligned with the aforementioned documents, detailing the measures we take to provide a safe and secure environment for our students.
Key aspects of our policy include the establishment of clear reporting procedures for any concerns regarding student safety, as well as the implementation of training for all staff members to ensure they are equipped to identify and respond to safeguarding issues effectively.
We believe it is imperative that every student understands there are trusted adults within the school who are dedicated to assisting them should they feel worried about their own safety or the safety of others. Through fostering an open and supportive atmosphere, we strive to empower our students, reassuring them that their well-being remains our highest priority.
Designated Safeguarding Lead Team
At our school, the role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is pivotal in ensuring the highest standards of safeguarding for all students. Our institution adheres to the statutory guidance outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education and Working Together to Safeguard Children, which serve as foundational documents for our safeguarding practices. These guidelines help to underscore our commitment to fostering a safe and secure learning environment.
We are dedicated to regularly reviewing and updating our child protection and safeguarding policy, which is revisited at least annually. This policy comprehensively aligns with the statutory guidance and delineates our commitment to safeguarding. It informs the entire school community of the procedures in place to protect our students and ensures clarity regarding the supportive roles available within the institution.
We prioritise creating an environment where students feel comfortable reporting any concerns about their safety or the safety of others. It is imperative that every pupil understands there are trusted adults within the school who are available to provide assistance and guidance. Our DSL, alongside the safeguarding team, is always ready to listen and act, reinforcing our safeguarding ethos throughout the school culture.
Providing the right support, at the right time
In our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils, the role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is of paramount importance. Our primary aim is to respond swiftly and appropriately to the myriad safeguarding needs that arise within our educational environment. These needs can vary significantly, ranging from pupils experiencing anxiety or unhappiness to more serious instances of abuse. The DSL team diligently collaborates with a wide array of individuals and external agencies to provide comprehensive safeguarding and support for the young people entrusted to our care.
Early Help
In circumstances where our young people require additional targeted support, particularly outside the school environment, we recognise the critical need for early intervention. We often work collaboratively with families to identify specific needs, and, when deemed necessary, we may initiate an Early Help Assessment. This structured assessment enables us to engage closely with families, systematically evaluating their requirements. The Early Help Assessment facilitates access to appropriate early support services, complementing the provisions available within the school. Such support may include securing the services of a Family Support Worker, who can offer off-site assistance to the family in question, ensuring that we do everything within our power to meet any out-of-school needs effectively. Detailed information regarding Early Help resources can be found on our designated platform.
The Decision to Refer to Social Care
In certain instances, it may become essential to refer a case to Children’s Social Care, particularly when there are concerns that a student may be at risk of significant harm. While referrals to Social Care are treated with the utmost seriousness and are approached with caution, such instances are relatively rare. Adhering to the relevant Local Authority's guidelines is imperative in these cases, ensuring that proper procedures are followed for making a referral. The specifics of this process are outlined in greater detail within our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. Throughout this entire process, we remain committed to working closely with the pupil, their family, and Children’s Social Care to ensure that the concerns are addressed and resolved effectively.
Conflict Resolution
In our continuous effort to foster a transparent communication culture, we aim to engage fully with any individual who raises a safeguarding concern. Ideally, we anticipate that both parties involved will reach a consensus on the most appropriate course of action. However, we recognise that disagreements may arise concerning how we have addressed a specific situation. In such instances, we encourage adherence to our conflict resolution procedure. Initially, individuals are urged to contact the relevant member of the safeguarding team involved, in an effort to seek an amicable resolution. Should concerns persist, the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Byrne, can be contacted for further discussion, particularly if the issue lies with the handling of the concern. In the event that conflict remains unresolved, we recommend alerting Children’s Social Care, initiating a direct referral to them. Their team will subsequently conduct an investigation into the concerns collaboratively with the school.
Working Together
Our overarching hope is that through effective communication and a strong spirit of collaboration, we can promptly resolve any safeguarding issues that may arise. Such diligence ensures that every pupil feels secure and happy, thereby enabling them to focus on fully engaging with their educational experience and achieving their potential. The well-being of our pupils remains at the heart of our endeavours, shaping a safe and nurturing environment conducive to learning and growth.